Thursday, January 10, 2013

Recharging period


Having semester break for 4 weeks currently. Restarting myself from 0 but my daily activity level is at negative. Hilarious right?

I am very motivated for my first day of holiday, I washed my bed sheets and my brother's as well. And it is the only thing that I can do for the whole day you see. Why? There is no water supply since the afternoon. THAT IS WHY I CAN ONLY SIT IN FRONT OF MY LAPTOP TO PLAY.
I nearly cannot even got my soup done too.

Is alright. I will just put my outstanding task for tomorrow.

I spent my whole day to talk to people on my facebook list. Of course, I only looked for those I am very familiar with. Arranging outing to here and there with this and that blah blah. And also, asking how my siblings doing these days. They are missing me quite a lot, I guess. Got asked a lot of times with the same question, ARE YOU COMING BACK TO HOMETOWN THIS YEAR? I answered them, NO.

Eh leh~ My college reopen day is a week earlier than the Chinese New Year~
I only have 3 days for my new year break. It is so AWESOME ( in a bad meaning )

I continue my washing progress, and I clean my own bedroom. The dusts are like mad. Almost 2mm of dusts on my cupboard, I can't remember how long I have kept them around, MY NOSE WAS THE VICTIM. Then, I got my window cleaned too. I was standing on the chair to clean the window and the little girl opposite was looking at me like WOHHH.

New year is few weeks around the corner already. Is time to do some cleaning in house. Not forgetting that also, is time to stock in my new year clothes already. HAHA.

Day 3
Woke up late on that day so I get nothing done on that day. I just spent my time in the kitchen for the whole day, boiling soup and making my lunch.
My lunch on that day, Tomato sause carrot minched meat spaghetti  
 Initially, it was going to be kari spaghetti but I can't found the kari powder which is in front of my eyes. Blind me. HAHA. But this spaghetti turns out quite nice too. 

Day 4 (Today)
The oily carrot fried rice *eww*
I slept over AGAIN. HAHAHA. I slept at 1 a.m. but before going for bed I played a game which involve some detective and killing elements then.. I got nightmare. SCARED ME. I woke up like twice in 1 night, the dreams are about I murdered someone and another one is I got chased by something. REALLY HAHAHAHA. Can't sleep well because I played that game before sleeping, shall not do that again! I do not want to got chased.

I woke up at noon. After putting all the clothes under the sun, then I get into kitchen to boil soup and prepare my dinunch-carrot fried rice. Trust me, I am not really a BIG FAN of carrot but it is really what I can use to cook. HAHAHA.

I put too much of oil, after I finished my rice in that plate I still can see some left over YELLOW OIL there. Not good in oil management.

Until there I can say, such a relaxing holiday.


Ps. Missing you badly.

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